I am a guest designer for PAWS ON SCRAPBOOKING for the month of September. I am truly enjoying creating projects with the great kit I received. I just love my mini album of Family Times.
I also have been very busy with classes this past few weeks. I gave a class last Saturday on Summer Fun!!!! We started and finished an entire 8x8 album!!!! It was lots of fun!!! I hope you girls had as much fun as I did!!!!
I also started a BOOK OF ME class that is going to last a whole year until the album is finished. Once a month, we will have a class to work on our album. It will be a different theme everytime, but will be something about ME. I am very excited about this new class. We had our 1st one last Thursday. The title of our layout was "ME @ 35" and we also added journaling on the 2nd page. It was lots of fun!!!!
I have new problem which is actually a great one to have...waiting lists for my classes. All my classes from here to Christmas are full and some. I can't take more girls for my class because I simply don't have the room. Because of this new problem and since I am not working at the office anymore, I have decided to open my own store..."SCRAPBOOKING GONE WILD". YES... you heard right, I am opening a scrapbooking store downstairs. I am sooooooooooooo excited and a bit nervous at the same time. I already have my business number. WOW!!!! Is this really happening???? Who would of thought that I would have enough guts to go through this huge project. My wonderful husband is behind me all the way and has been more than supportive through all of this. We are planning to have construction done in January, so I think my GRAND OPENING would be aroung the beginning of MARCH. I can't really open officially until construction is done because I simply don't have the room now. Once it is all done, I should be able to hold at least 10 to 12 spots for classes. Isn't that AWESOME!!!! I will keep you posted on the progress of the store opening!!!! Hope to see you at the GRAND OPENING!!! LOL
On another note, I was soooo happy last week when my son finally was able to ride his tricycle. He has been outside everyday ever since then riding his bike...he just loves it!!!
Well that is all for now.